Sunday 6 March 2011


It started with him sleeping on the mat outside my front door. 

Every night. 

And from time to time I would chance upon him sleeping on the shoe cabinet during the day.
But the slightest sounds of approaching footsteps would send him scrambling and I could only catch glimpses of the Siamese Cat before he disappears from sight.

The image of its scrawny physique gnawed at me. 

I started putting out a bowl of water and some cat food in the evenings.  For many weeks, I did not even catch sight of him eating... but I would collect the empty plate a few hours later.

Eventually, he started to show his presence and would watch me as I put the food out but would keep a distance.  Soon after that, he brought along a companion to share the meal.

These beautiful cats now greet me each morning and they come calling for breakfast and dinner too.

Both these cats are still quite wary, but they do get affectionate at meal times; holding their tails high and rubbing against my leg.

And sometimes they would just hang around outside my kitchen and snooze the whole day. 

Do you know that cats can spend an average of sixteen hours per day just sleeping?

Anyway, I do sometimes wonder what May would be thinking if she's looking down from dog heaven and sees these cats?

She would love to chase them for sure! 

May was really just amazing!
The very best companion I could ever ask for.
And I certainly do miss her lots!

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