Saturday, 29 August 2009

Water, Water, Water... Everywhere... Still


It has finally stopped raining.  Thus, I went out early in the morning for some fresh air.  After a night of rain, we would usually be awarded a nice, clear, crisp morning with clear blue skies.  But there were still some dark clouds hovering around.

The day looks promising, yet I was not exactly convinced.  However, after a while, the sun did finally break through the clouds and show its face! 

The good Sol!



There has been so much rain this past week and especially in the last two days that some low-lying areas and some roads are flooded.  Even the padi fields have become large areas of water.  That's right.  In both the above pictures, that big "lake" is actually padi fields that's been inundated with flood waters.

And this farmer's home that stands in the midst of the padi fields is now stranded in the middle of a 'lake'.



As I walked, one of the first dragonflies I saw this morning was the Diplacodes trivialis, who took advantage of the early morning sun to come out and bask, to dry its wings.



A Common Green Frog was also out of the water and enjoying the new day...



For now, the sun is certainly out with a vengeance.....


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