Monday, 1 March 2010

Cute Chick

Chanced upon this chick in the padi fields early one morning. 

I wouldn't have known it is the juvenile White-breasted Waterhen had I not spied the parents of this little bird.  As soon as the parents noticed me, they quickly ducked into hiding, out of sight among the tall grasses but this little one was quite oblivious to everything. 



For a minute there, it must have wondered where the parents had gone to; but not sensing anything out of the ordinary, it went back to its business of conscientious preening.



And it continued preening itself for a long moment before it realised something must be amiss.  Only then did it finally venture out in search of its parents. 



And that was when it spotted me.....



Oops!  Quick as lightning it went into hiding in the brush too.

Cute chick, huh?



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