Monday, 8 March 2010

Another Confusing Damselfly

When I first came across this damselfly a few months ago, I did not manage to get good photos and I wasn't sure if I had gotten the species identification correct.  Instead, I got myself confused as I could not recall its dimensions.

This morning, I revisited the trail and was lucky to find them again.  This time, at least, the photo is acceptable and I also remembered to check this damselfly for size.

And if I am right, then it should be the Argiocnemis rubescens of the family Coenagrionidae.  According to the Pocket Guide, the male of this species has hindwing length of 17mm and this is potentially another confusing species due to age related colour variation, which is also the case with the Agriocnemis femina.



The above photo shows the mature male of this species with blue thoracic markings and blue marking on its abdomen.  The Pocket Guide says that immatures have pale green head and thoracic markings with abdomen red.  The females would also have red abdomen when young, maturing to olive version with abdomen entirely dark above.

This next photo shows the same species but a half-mature damselfly, looks like a female if I am correct.



I often find these tiny damselflies rather confusing and difficult to identify and I am still learning as I go along.  I guess it would be like putting a jigsaw puzzle together because you have to figure it out piece by piece and keep trying till it fits.

Anyway, I love jigsaw puzzles, so.....



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