Saturday 12 June 2010

Bright Blue And Beautiful!

Quite often, whenever I come across photos of amazing looking dragonflies, I'd be thinking if I will find those species in Langkawi?  Where can I find it?  And will I actually get to see it and photograph it some day?

There are so many more species of dragonflies and damselflies in Peninsular Malaysia that I have yet to see.  And when I think about it sometimes, Langkawi is just such a tiny little island that I'd be lucky to find a quarter of all the species here!

So, when I chanced upon the Rhyothemis triangularis at one of the ponds, I just couldn't believe my luck!



I had to take a good hard look to make sure I hadn't imagined it and my eyes were not deceiving me.  And then I tried to take as many photos as I could before it disappeared out of sight and out of reach. 

The markings on its wings are quite unmistakable. 



The Rhyothemis triangularis of the family Libellulidae is a smallish dragonfly with the male having hindwing length of 24mm and this species is widespread in Sundaland and mainland tropical Asia.

Anyway, this dragonfly is really quite amazing looking and the coloured drawing in the Pocket Guide did not really do it much justice.

I had spotted two of these dragonflies that day.



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