Sunday, 27 June 2010

Leave No Trace


I was walking through the "Geopark campsite" at the Oriental Village when these notices put up on a tree caught my attention.  Judging by the look of it, it must have been there for a while. 

Naturally, I went closer for a look.

Arent' you curious what it says?

But then, it really isn't anything interesting at all and it is not saying that "trespassers would be prosecuted", which means I am not trespassing and that I can still walk through here whenever since this area is generally open to the public.  And this is good news!



It is only the programme left behind by a group from the "Kelab Pencinta Alam" or "Nature Lovers' Club", who camped here a few months ago in April 2010.

What makes it interesting or ironic is the content of the programme itself. 

Day 1 was the usual registration, setting up camp and briefing.  The programme then started on Day 2 with a session on "Amalan hijau dan survei alam sekitar" or translated to mean "Green Practices and Nature Survey" that lasted the whole morning.



Day 3 included "Membersihkan tapak perkhemahan" or "Clean Up Campsite" as a pre-breakfast activity and the group dispersed after lunch.



I was wondering if the group had learned anything at all over the weekend about green practices, which would practically mean "Leave No Trace Principles" when you are talking about the outdoors.

Isn't that right?

And I am sure each camper that day would have been familiar with the phrase: "Take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints".

I guess they did take out their rubbish.

And yet... 

Well, so much for leaving nothing but footprints, right?  They left their programme tacked to a tree!

Should we laugh or do we just cry?

Well... I hope they did learn something anyway...


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